Tuesday 15 September 2020

Update Packages


how to check if you have the latest version of npm installed, and how to update it to the latest version

  1. npm -v                                   //check which version you have
  2. npm show npm version         //check what the latest version is
  3. npm install npm@latest -g    //install the latest version 
  4. npm -v                                   //check if the latest version was installed


Node is a bit more fickle for windows, i have found the best approach is to download and install the binary from node.js however, should you want to maintain multiple versions of node you will need to use a node version manager (nvm) to find one refer to the npm documentation. 

  1. node --version                   //check which version you have
  2. npm show node version    //check what the latest version is


Angular is a JavaScript front-end framework, it helps your team as a whole work consistently, increases maintainability as well as expand-ability for future versions assuming it is used wisely. By no means am I a google fan boy personally i prefer vue, but here's how to check if you have the latest version of angular

ng --version                                              //check which version you have
npm show @angular/cli version              //check what the latest version is
npm install @angular/cli @latest -g        //update to the latest version

just a caveat, its is almost always generally a better idea to uninstall an old framework before updating it.


Vue js is my favorite frame work, because it is the simplest most straight forward to use, since i made a complete mess of my vue installation, I just removed the whole thing and started over
npm uninstall @vue/cli 

so now lets start from the beginning

npm list vue -g                                 //check if any npm global packages contain vue
npm show @vue/cli version            //check what the latest available version is
npm install @vue/cli @latest -g      //install the latest vue cli version gloallly
vue --version                                    //check which version you have