Friday 27 April 2012

Provision Content Type via XML

In your solution Explorer add the content type item.

click add, next select the base content type Item to inherit from.

Once selected click finish, and you're ready to start provisioning your content type

to quickly explain some of the properties
  • ID: unique id of the content type, in this case 0x0100 is the Id for item, the following hex number is a GUID
  • Name: this is the a readable name, make it short and sweet
  • Group: helps you organize your content types, again make it descriptive
  • Description: Lets the user know what your content type is for
  • Inherits: lets your content type to include the columns from and inherited ct's.
  • Version: not too sure, i leave it as 0,
This is what I have for my Coffee Content type

So lets go back and create some Site Columns:
  • Id - unique id
  • Title - Out of the box
  • Region - Choice Field
  • Supplier - look up list
  • Start Date - Date with default value of today
  • Price - Price Per Ton
Create Custom Site Columns

With our Custom Site columns made we can load them into our Content type we add them to our content type

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
  <!-- Parent ContentType: Item (0x01) -->
  <ContentType ID="0x01004640ea11f8fd45f9b930ada1806ab7dd"
               Group="Custom Coffee"
               Description="Content type for Coffee"
      <FieldRef ID="{9749FAFE-B58C-4945-85B9-C360C5E309C1}" Name ="CoffeeID" DisplayName="Coffee ID" Required ="TRUE"/>
      <FieldRef ID="{fa564e0f-0c70-4ab9-b863-0177e6ddd247}" Name="Title" DisplayName="Coffee Name" Required="TRUE" />
      <FieldRef ID="{FE2F4BE0-6FB3-4EC6-922B-FA3641745EC5}" Name="CoffeeRegion" DisplayName="Region" Required="TRUE"/>
      <FieldRef ID="{A4AC9AEE-3FD3-457F-A8D6-50C0E86363B6}" Name="CoffeeSupplier" DisplayName="Supplier" Required="TRUE"/>
      <FieldRef ID="{4206013B-2B16-441B-A6AD-2E1DAE6C4A86}" Name="CoffeeStartDate" DisplayName="Start Date" Required="TRUE"/>
      <FieldRef ID="{EFE8441B-8A51-427D-ABF4-D9D4ECB1F2E9}" Name="CoffeePrice" DisplayName="Price" Required="TRUE"/>

With our content type set up we can proceed to make a list definition next.

Friday 6 April 2012

Too Many Webparts!!!

The page '/_catalogs/masterpage/somepage.aspx' allows a limit of 11 direct dependencies, and that limit has been exceeded.

 This Error is the result of having too many Web Parts on one page, luckily it's an easy fix.

navigate to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories
here pick the port to your site, 80 is the default.
Navigate to the port number and then open the web.config, it's an xml. I suggest using Notepad++.
Once you have your web-config file open do a find on the term DirectFileDependencies
then simply change the number of the property DirectFileDependencies to something higher.

Just Save, reload your page  and presto everything is alright again.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Provision Unique site Column

Make sure to include the highlighted properties. 
<Field ID="{E9ADC1A3-C044-4C99-AB48-AFAD5F657648}"
  Group ="Custom"
  DisplayName="Id Number"
  ShowInEditForm="TRUE" />
One thing to note is that you can't share this field in a document set
if you've found a way please let me know.