Monday 14 September 2020

Continuous Deployment FTP

Previously we dealt with the Continuous integration aspect of our pipeline, now we are going to focus on the continuous delivery stage, lets start by navigating to the releases pipeline.

Once there i think it goes without saying that you should click the new pipeline button.

we are going to start from a black slate,

lets start by adding an artifact

here we select our devops project, then the repo, version and we are given a source alias, 

next lets set up our trigger

here we specify what triggers our deployment

we have it configured that every time there is a successful build on the dev branch we move on to the next stage.

click on the stage 1 stage and give it a descrtiptive name, something short and to the point

with that done lets at a task to our deployment stage's job

and add a ftp upload task

next you are going to have to configure your ftp settings

with those configured you can now create your very own release

and once it is deployed you can navigate to one of your end points on your azure web service and it should resolve.

that is it!!! you are golden, the last thing you can do, is update one of your endpoints push, sit back and wait for your changes to be propagated to your app service.