- Feature event receiver
- PowerShell
Now as I learned the hard way you're event receiver has a 2 minute time out, so in my case where I'm attaching a workflow to three libraries on every subsite and creating a custom task list it really didn't pan out. Instead I ended up moving my logic out of my visual studio project and into a powershell script. I'm going to break this script down into Five sections.
Section One (Start up)
#get the site url to deploy
workflow to
param($siteUrl=$(read-host "Please
provide web app url of the list to be delete (EG:'http://Wingtip'):"))
#ensure that user provided site
url parameter
if($siteUrl -eq $null -or $siteUrl -eq '')
throw "You must specify your server
name. Value provided was null/empty."
#function to load SharePoint
Powershell snap in
function LoadSharePointPowerShellEnviroment
#clear the screen of pevious output
write-host "Setting
up Powershell enviroment for Sharepoint" -foregroundcolor Blue
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.Sharepoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-host "Sharepoint
PowerShell Snapin loaded." -foregroundcolor Green
#call sharepoint plugin function
#get site using parameter
$site = Get-SPSite($siteUrl)
#get the rootweb of the site
$rootWeb = $site.RootWeb
#ensure that approval workflow
has unique name
$workFlowName = "Approval_" + [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString()
#specify the approval task list
#specify the task list
$listDescription = "Task list
for ccw custom approval tasks"
#reference approval task list
definition, deployed through VS project
$TaskListTemplate= $rootWeb.ListTemplates["Page
Approval Task List Definition"]
#specify OOTB workflow history
list, every site has one
#approval workflow ID, specified
in elements file of workflow
$APPROVALWORKFLOWID = [GUID]"64f076cb-a5f8-4ee7-9ef4-54820d291886"
#reference workflow using
workflow ID
$wfTemplate = $rootWeb.WorkflowTemplates[$APPROVALWORKFLOWID]
#Create List Instance function
function createListInstance($web, $listName, $listDescription)
#make sure list
doesn't already exist
if($web.Lists.TryGetList($listName) -eq $null)
#create list
with no spaces
$listGuid = $web.Lists.Add($listname.Replace(" ",""), $listDescription, $TaskListTemplate)
#grab the list,
change the name to the original parameter passed to the function
$list = $web.Lists[$ListGuid]
$list.title = $listName
Write-Host $listName + "was not
created on web" + $web.Url -ForegroundColor Red;
Section Four(Attach workflow function)
#attach workflow to web
function addApprovalWorkflow($web, $listname)
#get the library
you want to attach the workflow to
$library = $web.Lists.TryGetList($listname)
#ensure library
if($library -ne $null)
tasklist, and histrory list on web
$taskList = $web.Lists[$TASKLISTNAME]
$historyList = $web.Lists[$HISTORYLISTNAME]
#create a
workflow association refer to
$workflowAssociation = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowAssociation]::CreateListAssociation($wfTemplate, $workflowName, $taskList, $historyList);
#set the
properties of the workflow assocation
$workflowAssociation.Name = $workFlowName
$workflowAssociation.AllowManual = $true
= $true
= $true
#attach the
workflow association to the Library
$temp = $library.WorkflowAssociations.Add($workflowAssociation);
$workflowAssociation.Enabled = $true;
#itterate through all subsites
$webs = $site.AllWebs
foreach ($web in $webs)
#ignore the
search site
if($web.Title -eq "Search")
Write-Host $web.Url
#create the task
createListInstance $web $TASKLISTNAME $listDescription
#Attach the
approval wf to libraries
addApprovalWorkflow $web "Pages"
addApprovalWorkflow $web "Images"
addApprovalWorkflow $web "Documents"
"Complete" -ForegroundColor