Friday 18 January 2019

Proxy Pattern

The proxy pattern is defined as "The proxy pattern provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object, in order to control access to it." what this means is that if you have a class that you want to use, let's say it's a Car class and it has properties like Color, Make, Model and methods such as Go(), Stop(), Left(), Right(), but instead of calling these methods directly you'd call a proxy class that would in turn call the Car class on your behalf.

The proxy pattern is used to solve access related challenges, you can think of a proxy as a bouncer to a nightclub, where the bouncer is the proxy and the nightclub is the resource.

there are three generally accepted types of the proxy pattern:

  • Remote Proxy: a remote proxy is used when you have to retrieve something or send a command outside of your codebase boundary, so for example to a remote server or a different project within your solution. Your proxy would be a the local representation of the remote resource, this representation would most likely modify add some sort of additional behavior.
  • Virtual Proxy: a virtual proxy controls access to a resource that is expensive to create; almost like a high level lazy loading of a resource.
  • Protection Proxy: a protection proxy can be thought of as the guardian of a resource; access to a particular resource can be restricted by having to have to go through a "Protection proxy" which controls access to the resource that it's protecting based on access rights.
The idea behind a proxy is that you have a resource, but before you access the resource you want add some sort of additional behavior with the intent of controlling access to the underlying resource  without modifying the resource.

the following is a general UML representation of the Proxy pattern, based on what role the proxy is fulfilling and where it is located would depend on which type of proxy pattern you'd be leveraging.

In the above we see that our client class maintains a reference to the IResource interface. Both our Resource and it's proxy implement the IResource interface, however our proxy also maintains a reference to our Resource implementation, this way we can leverage our resource within our proxy as well as extend functionality.

Remote-ish proxy pattern

Let's take a look at a more concrete example; contrived but a bit more concrete. We're going to create a line of credit provider project and a high risk lender project; the lender project is going to have a proxy line of credit that will represent a remote resource in our provider project. the rational behind this is that our lender project would represent a 3rd party lender that a high risk borrower would interact with and our provider would supply that high risk lender with lines of credit.

above we have our solution, with our two project and a reference form our lender project to our provider project. next let's take a look at our provider project.

namespace pav.ProxyPattern.RemoteResource
    public interface ILineOfCreditQuote {
        double Limit { get;  }
        double Rate { get;  }

        void ModifyLimit(double amount);
        void ModifyRate(double amount);

    public class LineOfCreditQuoteILineOfCreditQuote {
        public double Limit { get; private set; }
        public double Rate { get; private set; }

        public void ModifyLimit(double amount) => Limit += amount;
        public void ModifyRate(double amount) => Rate += amount;

        public LineOfCreditQuote(double limit, double rate) {
            this.Limit = limit;
            this.Rate = rate;

now it's fairly straight foreword we created an interface that represents a line of credit and a concrete implementation. Next let's take a look at the code for our lender.

using pav.ProxyPattern.RemoteResource;
using System;

namespace pav.ProxyPattern
    class LineOfCreditRemoteProxy : ILineOfCreditQuote
        ILineOfCreditQuote loc { get; set; }

        public double Limit => loc.Limit;
        public double Rate => loc.Rate;

        public void ModifyLimit(double amount) {
            if (amount < 0)
                ModifyRate(-amount / (amount * 100));
                ModifyRate(+amount/(amount * 100));


        public void ModifyRate(double amount) => loc.ModifyRate(amount);

        public LineOfCreditRemoteProxy(ILineOfCreditQuote loc)
            this.loc = loc;

        public void Display() => Console.WriteLine($"Limit:{Limit.ToString("C")} Rate:{Rate.ToString("P2")}");

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var one = CreateLineOfCredit(100000, true, false);

            var two = CreateLineOfCredit(150000, false, true);

            CreateLineOfCredit(80000, false, false).Display();

        static LineOfCreditRemoteProxy CreateLineOfCredit(double income, bool mortgage, bool pastBankruptcy)
            var limit = income * .1;
            var rate = .07 - (mortgage ? 1 : 0) * .005 + (pastBankruptcy ? 1 : 0) * .03;

            return new LineOfCreditRemoteProxy(new LineOfCreditQuote(limit, rate));

also no magic here in our program we created a CreateLineOfCredit function that is basically a factory method to create lines of credit with some light business logic for setting the line of credit rate.

we created a LineOfCreditProxy class that takes in a provider's line of credit object and then modifies it with some of our high risk lender business logic. 

our program then creates lines of credit using our factory method and wraps the provider based lines of credit with our high risk business logic.

now this is an extremely contrived and bullshit example, but i'd like to think that it gets the idea across.

The main point to take away for me is that a remote proxy is a local representation of a remote resource.

Virtual Proxy

In this example we are going to create a virtual proxy, the virtual proxy is an implementation of deferred instantiation, it tackles the problem of instantiating an expense object, so for example let's say that we had an Interest Calculator that for some reason needed a ton of memory and supporting classes that would take significant time to instantiate, but we may or may not ever call the interest calculation, well it would be rather silly to exert that much effort for something we may never use. so let's tackle this problem using the proxy pattern.

first lets take a loot at our interface.

interface IInterestCalculator
    double Income { get; }
    double Savings { get; }
    double Mortgage { get; }

    double GetLoanInterest(double amount);

now that speaks for itself, we have three properties that will be used to generate a interest rate based on a requested loan amount.

next let's take a look at our concrete implementation of our interest calculator.

class InterestCalculatorIInterestCalculator
    public double Income { get; private set; }
    public double Savings { get; private set; }
    public double Mortgage { get; private set; }

    public double GetLoanInterest(double amount)
        => ((amount - Savings) / Income + (Mortgage > 0 ? .1 : 0))/100;

    public InterestCalculator(double income, double savings, double mortgage)
        this.Income = income;
        this.Savings = savings;
        this.Mortgage = mortgage;

        //long running thread to confirm parameters

Now instead of implementing some sort of long running validation process we just sleep for 10 seconds to get the point across. 

Next let's take a look at our proxy class.

class InterestCaluclatorProxyIInterestCalculator
    IInterestCalculator InterestCaluclator;

    double income;
    public double Income => this.InterestCaluclator?.Income ?? income;

    double savings;
    public double Savings => this.InterestCaluclator?.Savings ?? savings;

    double mortgage;
    public double Mortgage => this.InterestCaluclator?.Mortgage ?? mortgage;

    public double GetLoanInterest(double amount)
        if (this.InterestCaluclator == null)
            this.InterestCaluclator = new InterestCalculator(income, savings, mortgage);

        return this.InterestCaluclator.GetLoanInterest(amount);

    public InterestCaluclatorProxy(double income, double savings, double mortgage)
        this.income = income;
        this.savings = savings; = mortgage;

    public void Display()

in our proxy class, we instantiate it with the properties required for our calculation, but we defer creating the underlying implementation of the Interest calculator to such a time as we need to make our calculation.

and finally let's take a look at our client application

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var proxy = new InterestCaluclatorProxy(100000, 10000, 0);

and volia we can instantiate our proxy, execute the diplay method which will print out our properties, but we wont see that 10s delay until we call the get loan interest function.

Protection Proxy

the third type of proxy is a protection proxy, this proxy is used to control access to a resource based on some sort of access rights or business logic, i'm going to steal borrow this example from a Wikipedia article, because i'm too tired to think of one myself. let's create two: classes car and driver, now we know that you have to be at least 16 to drive a car so let's make a proxy car to enforce that rule.

to get started lets take a look at our ICar interface

interface ICar
    void DriveCar();

doesn't get simpler than that. Next lets look at our concrete implementation of our ICar interface

public class Car : ICar
    public void DriveCar() => Console.WriteLine("Car has been driven!");

easy enough, before we look at our proxy car let's create a driver class

public class Driver
    public int Age { get; private set; }
    public Driver(int age) => this.Age = age;

all we really care is the drivers age. next let's take a look at our proxy car class.

public class ProxyCar : ICar
    Driver driver;
    ICar car;

    public ProxyCar(Driver driver)
        this.driver = driver; = new Car();

    public void DriveCar()
        if (driver.Age < 16)
            Console.WriteLine("Sorry, the driver is too young to drive.");

we see that our proxy car has both an implementation of ICar and a reference to it; this allows our proxy to have a reference to a concrete (real) implementation of ICar as well as allow us to add access functionality in this case an age verification before the car can be driven.

so if i was going to summarize these three proxy types it would be as follows:

Remote proxy is a local representation of a remote resource that may or may not append functionality and or modify existing functionality of the resource it's proxying.

Virtual proxy is a differed instantiation of an expensive resource that also implements a caching strategy 

Protection proxy is a proxy that appends access control rights to an existing resource, often times extending it's functionality.