Saturday 12 October 2019

Team Planning

The purpose of team plan is to assemble the best team possible to ensure a successful delivery and to facilitate a positive working environment. throughout the planning phase we specified profiles required to complete activities as laid out in the activity list, schedule and budget, but now it's time to put names to those profiles with allocation percentages. During the team planning the dates when a team member is joining the team and leaving are also specified.

It is when assigning direct team members that the assessment of whether the appropriate skill and allocation levels are meeting what is required by each activity, if these values do not align then the activity duration may need to be revisited and the schedule adjusted as needed.

Team Environment

Training: Once the team is selected, then it's time to establish how to best work as a team. Any personnel training that is specific to the project should also be included as an activity and be factored into the project plan.
Recognition: recognition for a job well done is important and various milestones or for individual accomplishments employees and teams should be recognized with team events or individual bonuses, these must also come out of the budget and as such should be planned for.
Knowledge Sharing: the team requires one place for the truth a repository that they can go to that will house the latest specifications and documentation relevant to the project..
Synergy: To facilitate the construction of inter-personal relationships between team members, building a sense of trust and respect throughout the team through team events.

Procurement plan
Generally organizations have their own procurement procedures which a PM should be familiar with, during team planning it may turn out that a specific profile required for the project completion is not available, because of other project commitments by the company or because such a profile just doesn't exit within the company, in such a case the PM must either come up with a procurement plan either for a temporary consultant or to hire an employee for the purpose of the project.