Tuesday 25 June 2019

Project Scope Statement

The project scope statement is similar but more detailed to the project charter, it defines the objectives and deliverables of the project.

Project Charter Project Scope Statement
  • Project purpose or justification
  • Measurable project objectives and related success criteria
  • High-level requirements
  • High-level project description
  • High-level risks
  • Summary milestone schedule
  • Summary budget
  • Stakeholder list
  • Project approval requirements (what constitutes success, who decides it, who signs off)
  • Assigned project manager, responsibility, and authority level
  • Name and authority of the sponsor or other person(s) authorizing the project charter
  • Project scope description (progressively elaborated)
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Project deliverables
  • Project exclusions
  • Project constraints
  • Project assumptions
as we further define the details of the project these details mature and more accurately represent the scope of work. the project scope statement must be mature enough that the Stakeholders can clearly understand what will be delivered within the project in order for them to confirm that the scope accurately represents the objectives and requirements of the project. Details of on the deliverables that will be produced as well as their acceptance criteria, assumptions and exclusions are also included in the project scope statement.

Project Scope Statement

  • Scope Description:
    • Narrative Description
    • Expected results
  • Project Objectives
    • Clear & Measurable statements of results and expected benefits of project
  • Acceptance Criteria
    • Measurable Criteria 
    • Used by key stakeholders to provide approval of the objectives & deliverables
  • Project Deliverables
    • Outputs of the project
    • created during
      • Planning phase
      • Executing phase
      • closing phase
  • Exclusions
    • Not included in the scope of work
      • Functions
      • Features
      • Services 
      • Deliverables
  • Assumptions
    • Criteria or characteristics that are expected to be true about deliverables 
  • Constraints
    • Limits that are known and must be accommodated 
    • Restrictions that are known and must be accommodated 
  • Change Management plan
    • The process of how changes will be managed
      • Project scope
      • deliverables 
      • requirements 
      • Budget
      • Schedule
    • Changes can be initiated from any stakeholder & must be documented
  • Change control board
    • team of stakeholders that review & make decisions on changes that will or will not be made to a project.
  • Change order from
    • Used to document any changes that need to be made to the project
  • Version control
    • documented history of when and by whom the Project scope statement was approved
    • a list of any subsequent agreed to changes approved by the change control board
All project planning documents are live documents that can, and do evolve with the project, this is why all project planning documents require a version control section.

To produce the Project Scope statement, the project charter as well as the project requirements documentation need to be reviewed by the team. The project scope statement provides additional details of what will and will not be included in the project. By explicitly specifying the exclusions of the project it better defines the boundaries of the project scope helping clarify to the stakeholders what is in scope vs what's not in scope. This is very useful during the execution phase of a project and helps protect against scope creep and keep the project within the triple constraint.