Saturday 1 May 2021

UX Research

The 3 basic methods of research are:
  • Ask:
    • Interviews: Conversations with stakeholders to understand aspects of their experiences 
    • Surveys: Questions distributed to large groups of users to elicit attitudes, behaviors and characteristics   
    • Focus Groups:
    • Diary Studies:
    • Experience Sampling:
  • Observe:
    • Ethnographic Observations: Watching people engage in activities to understand how they go about them
    • User Testing: Watching people perform specific tasks to see if a system supports them
    • Usage analytics: Analyzing large scale traces of system usage to understand patterns of use
    • Video analysis:
    • Social media mining:
  • Inspect:
    • Guideline based:Compare a system design against best practices to see how it holds up
    • Walkthroughs: step through an interactive sequence using the users-eye-view to find potential breakdowns
    • Comparative analysis: compare to existing or similar designs to identify strengths and weaknesses 
we often combine the different research methods to get a more robust set of data the question is when to use which type of method
  • Ask: 
    • when observation isn't an option, tasks are infrequent, private or too long to watch
    • Values or motivations behind actions are important
    • we use surveys when we need input from large numbers of users and we need definite answers 
  • Observe
    • when asking will lead to misinformation (memory, tacit knowledge)
    • process & communication, users won't cover every detail when explaining their process.
    • analytics when we need large quantities of data
  • Inspect
    • We have something to inspect, ie doing an as is assessment
    • interacting with users is too expensive or difficult
Often times you'll use a combination of the different UX research methods.