Thursday 3 April 2014

Get MetaData of pages

this poweshell script will iterate over all the pages in a pages library find ones that have a department field with a value that contains the word Information, then write them to the screen. because i use write-output instead of write-host you can pipe them to a text file like I show in the second example
   List IT Policy & Procedure MetaData
   Script used to list Information and Technology Policies and procedures
   Get-spmPolicyProcedureMetaData -WebAddress http://YourSite/PolicyProcedure
   Get-spmPolicyProcedureMetaData -WebAddress http://YourSite/PolicyProcedure | Out-File c:\steve1.txt
function Get-spmPolicyProcedureMetaData
        # Web address contianing policies and procedures 'http://yoursite/PolicyProcedure'
            $web = get-spweb $WebAddress
            $pageLib = $web.Lists["Pages"]
            $PageLib.Items | %{
                  $page = $_
                  if($page["Department"] -like '*Information*'){
                        $pageName = "Page Name = " + $page.Name
                        Write-Output $pageName
                        $dept = "Department = " + $page["Department"].trimstart("23;#")
                        Write-OutPut $dept
                        $eff = "EFF Date = " + $page["Published Effective Date"].trimstart("string;#")
                        Write-Output $eff
                        $cr = "Council Resolution Number = " + $page["Council Resolution Number"]
                        Write-Output $cr
                        $desc = "Description = " + $page["Comments"]
                        Write-Output $desc
                        Write-Output ""


you can run this by entering

PS C:\dev> . . /filename.ps1
PS C:\dev> Get-spmPolicyProcedure -webaddress http://yoursite/yourweb