Friday 13 December 2013

Move Publishing Pages

In my last post I laid out the requirements of my script and a script to set up a source site to copy from, now here is the script that does the movement of all documents, images, and pages from a web that has a bunch of subwebs where the news articles are stored. Again I know this is not the SharePoint way, but it's the way the thing is set up, my job was not to fix this.

   Script to archive newsroom assets
   Script to migrate Newsroom Assets to archive Folder
   Copy-spmNewsroomAssets -SourceWebUrl http://spm/newsroom -DestinationWebUrl http://spm/archive/2013
   Copy-spmNewsroomAssets -SourceWebUrl http://spm/newsroom -DestinationWebUrl http://spm/archive/2013 | Out-File c:\Failed.txt

function Copy-SpmNewsroomAssets
        # Specify the newsroom web, it should poses subwebs for each month ie http://www.spm/newsroom
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false, Position=0)]

        # Specify the archive web ie http://www.spm/Archive/2013
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false, Position=1)]

              $SourceWeb = Get-SPWeb $SourceWebUrl
              $DestinationWeb = Get-SPWeb $DestinationWebUrl
              $folders = "Documents", "PublishingImages", "Pages"
              $folders | % {
                     Move-Files -SourceWeb $SourceWeb -DestinationWeb $DestinationWeb -folder $_

function Move-Files($SourceWeb, $DestinationWeb, $folder)
       $DestinationFolder = $DestinationWeb.GetFolder($folder)
       $SourceWeb.webs | % {
              $SourceLibrary = $_.GetFolder($folder)
              foreach($file in $SourceLibrary.Files)
                     if(!(Check-FileExists -filename $file.Name -folder $DestinationFolder))
                            $destinationFile = $DestinationFolder.Files.Add($DestinationFolder.Url + "/" +$file.Name, $file.OpenBinary(), $file.Properties, $true)    
                           $Properties = "Author", "Created", "Editor", "Modified", "PublishingPageLayout"
                           Copy-MetaData -sourceItem $file.Item -DestinationItem $destinationFile.Item -Properties $Properties
                           $SourceFile = $SourceWeb.Site.Url + $SourceLibrary.ServerRelativeUrl + "/" + $file.Name
                           $Destination = $DestinationWeb.Site.Url + $DestinationFolder.ServerRelativeUrl
                           Write-Output "$SourceFile already exists in $Destination"

function Copy-MetaData($sourceItem, $DestinationItem, $Properties)
       foreach($property in $Properties)
                     $DestinationItem[$property] = $sourceItem[$property]

function Check-FileExists($filename, $folder)
       $folder.Files | %{
              if($filename -eq $_.Name)
                     return 1
       return 0